This section includes teachings from
mystics and believers that had astounding insight upon the ways of the Lord.
Please prayerfully read these books. They will definitely increase your understanding
in a lot of spiritual matters.
S0ren Kierkegaard Provocations |
Soren Kierkegaard was an amazing writer with an uncanny ability to put thoughts onto paper. This book, puts to text a good picture of the holy imagination of a believer. The book was created to provoke us to examine ourselves and determine why we are not walking closer to the Lord. It takes the approach of stating what we all could do if we truly believed God's word and acted upon it without doubt. This book will definitely challenge your faith. | ||
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Jacob Boehme Of Dying to Self, Of True Repentance, and Of Heaven and Hell |
Jacob, although a simple shoemaker, had amazing insight into the supernatural realm and remarkable wisdom. He teaches a lot on the spiritual aspects of living and the union God has with all creation. His material is not for the spiritual novice. Ask the Holy Spirit for light when reading. | |
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Sadhu Sundar Singh At the Master's Feet |
This book, one of my favorites, is the result of a visitation of Jesus Christ to Sundar as he was seeking the Lord in a forest. It is written as a dialogue, where Jesus is talking to Sundar and he replies back to Jesus with questions. Jesus explains so many truths in this book through the use of parables. He truly is the same yesterday, today, and forever! | |
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Jonathan Edwards Resolutions |
Jonathan Edwards, a mighty preacher of righteousness demonstrates to us his discipline and understanding of the importance of redeeming the time. These resolutions that he wrote demonstrate an amazing dedication to walking in integrity. This will challenge you. The second book is a very sobering book; requiring you to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith. Without a true conversion to Christ, all the work that you do is in vain. | |
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Puritan Prayers |
Reading these prayers written by the Puritans will humble you. These people knew how to express themselves to the living God. May we receive the grace to pray such heartfelt prayers! | |
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